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Bulimie Tips Englisch

Dienstag, 25. November 2014

Bulimia Tips

*Some of these tips came from babielg.xanga.com*
Drink a diet pepsi when you purge. It helps the food come up.
If you can't puke, chug a couple glasses of water.
Use more than one finger when gagging.
Puke while showering. The water drowns out the noise.
Drink salt water after you binge, it retains all the water and makes it easy to purge afterwards.
Mineral oil is a very effective and less harmful laxative, and you can buy it at most grocery stores.
Take laxatives in a 2, 4, 6, 8, ratio so your body doesn't get used to them and become immune, because then you have to take higher and higher doses. So like 2 the first day, then 4 the second, 6 the third and 8 the forth, then fast one day and don't use any laxatives, then start up the cycle again. You are basically tricking your body.
Drink tons of water while you are eating.  It will make the food so much easier to get up, plus it won't taste bad if there is enough water. it also fills you up faster so you have less to puke out :)
Drink a can of diet soda immediately before purging.  The bubbles help the food come up. i prefer to drink a can while i am eating, it fills me up so much, theni get this icky feeling in my stomach and go puke, it works great!
Use more than one finger, and wiggle them a little to "tickle" the gag reflex. i personally use three...makes me feel like i am choking and everything comes up.
Push on your stomach.
Wet your fingers first by sucking on them or running them under warm water.
Use your stomach muscles to push the food up.
Cough gently while you are gagging (I don't know why it helps but it does; it seems to "open up" your throat for the food to come up).
Gravity is your friend.  If it is close enough, try sitting on the edge of your bathtub while you throw up, so your head is lower than your stomach.  If the food has to run "downhill" it will obviously be more ready to come up upon gagging.  If your tub is not close enough  try pulling a stool into the bathroom with you (if there's no one around to wonder what the hell you're doing). 
Chew your food until it dissolves.
Food comes back up in basically the same order it went down in.  If you eat something brightly colored first, you'll know when you've gotten up mostly all the food.  However, since you can't always get up everything, it's better to make this "first-food" something low-cal in case you end up having to live with it after all.  My favorite is Sugar-Free Jell-O because it is only 10 calories and it is unmistakable when it comes up. 
Start your binges out on negative cal foods, this way your body eats those up first and give you a chance to purge the other stuff
Binge after you exercise, this way your metabolism is up and it will burn up the stuff you can't purge. 
If throwing up is hard for you use a tooth brush (not the side with the brush) and drink lots of fluids before
Drink some Pedialyte after purging. It's meant for babies but you can drink higher doses, and it'll replenish your electrolytes
Get a really strong spray bottle, open your mouth, and spray right at the back of your throat. the food will come up easily
When gagging find that little hump in the back of your throat and just keep rubbing it around in circles
Drink a whole glass of diet pepsi just before you binge, it really helps the food up
If you can't get regular laxatives for some reason, sugar-free sweets with sorbital do the job well
Do not kneel by the toilet stand in front of the toilet tilt your head up and put your fingers down your throat when you begin to gag, bend down over the toilet and BOOM the food comes up. Much easier and less effort needs to be put into it
The bristly end of a tooth brush works well for purging, slightly irritating, but gets the job done faster and more comes up. After you are all done purging drink a tall glass of water and purge again. You will see more food actually comes out! So drink up and get rid of it
DO NOT eat granola bars, bread or raw veggies. They do not come up easily if at all
Use soft food to purge, it's easier
Use markers such as Doritos, so you know everything is up when you see the orange
Ice cream is #1 for puking...tastes SO GOOD (fatty, but hey that's what bingeing is for) and practically pukes itself out
Do NOT try to purge anything citrus-if you've done it you know what I mean (i.e. pineapple)
Drink 'smart water', it is fortified w/ electrolytes, which is what you lose when you puke (by glaceau)
Drink A glass of water before you puke, and then take a break and drink another one when ever it gets a little hard to get it all up...then after drink another glass and brush your teeth you will feel refreshed and ready for the rest of the day
After purging don't brush your teeth!! It just rubs the acid in a eats away at your tooth enamel. Instead rinse your mouth out with water or mouth wash.
Throwing up more than one hour after eating is useless. all the calories and fat have been absorbed already
Exercise 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night... and use dexatrim and/or lax

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